Sunday, June 10, 2012

Remove “Il Suo computer e'stato bloccato da sistema di controllo d'informazione automatico” popup – rid your PC of notorious winlock

“Il Suo computer e'stato bloccato da sistema di controllo d'informazione automatico” alert accuses user of a crime against the Law of Italy.
Its title specifies IP of infected machine, and then the above message goes. It is written in Italian as the virus is a variant of UKASH Winlock (please note UKASH is a legit company and is involved into the crime as far as hackers suggest it as a payment method) that targets Italian audience. Had it been dropped in a computer located elsewhere, say, in Germany, it would download and popup message in another language to match the location of victimized computer.
Removal of “Il Suo computer e'stato bloccato da sistema di controllo d'informazione automatico” is needed to unclick Windows. A skilled help is required, for a security solution, to be able to exterminate the rogue, first of all, should be capable of running in the conditions of limited access to system resource.
The ransomware explains “perche” the computer is blocked. It says
“Potevo succedere per uno di motivi seguanti.
Il Suo computer e'stato usato per vedere i siti proibiti.
Il Suo computer e'stato usato per vedere i siti contenenti gli elementi della pornografia con bambini…”
Thus it appeals to illegal traffic detected, in particular, associated with child porn and other forbidden websites. The end of this scaring showcase is a demand of Euro 100.
Free scanner available here is a timely and skilled help for victims of the ransomware – download and run it to get rid of “Il Suo computer e'stato bloccato da sistema di controllo d'informazione automatico” popup.

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