Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Get rid of Computerkriminalitat Des Criminal Intelligence Service VIRUS as an Austrian Variety of notorious ransomware that claims 100 Euro

Bundespolizei, Computerkriminalitat Des Criminal Intelligence Service redirect pretends to be issued by public security office of the Republic of Austria, der Republik Österreich. It is circulated among users of various countries, of course with the accent made on IP addresses residing in the Austria, Germany, German speaking part of Switzerland.
It is understood the popup has nothing to do with the name mentioned in the title, save the authority mentioned would arrest the criminals speaking on its behalf, if it only managed to reach them.
The alert claims its viewer has been loading pages containing various kinds of forbidden contents such as Kinderpornographie, Sodomie und Gewalt gegen Kinder (child pornography, bestiality, and violence against children). Remove Computerkriminalitat Des Criminal Intelligence Service ransomware that scares you with routine accusations known worldwide as fake police scam.
Click the free scan link to launch the routine aimed at removal of Bundespolizei, Computerkriminalitat Des Criminal Intelligence Service; the routine is one of the few methods available to overcome the lock to attacked computer system by the notorious virus.

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